Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
S8-Ep30: Humbitious: How to Be Ambitious Without the Ego - With Amer Kaissi

Featured Guest: Amer Kaissi
A major myth in politics and business is that arrogant, over-confident people are better leaders. But reality reveals the opposite: humility combined with ambition drives the best leadership performance – and that, in turn, improves the entire organization.
Author and Trinity University professor Amer Kaissi discusses the details with host Maureen Metcalf. His new book, Humbitious, digs deep into the reasons the humble-yet-ambitious leader delivers the best results…for everyone from front line staff to the board of directors. This isn’t academic theory; Kaissi studied real-world leaders from Napoleon Bonaparte to New Zealand’s acclaimed Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern. While narcissists sometimes do make it to the top, they’re the exception, and their actual performance (as opposed to their PR) tends to be less than stellar.
Fortune favors not simply the bold, but the humbitious!
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For daily wisdom from our guests, be sure to follow us on LinkedIn at . We're on Mastodon, Facebook, and Twitter, too!
- Amer's new book, Humbitious, is available here .
- His earlier book, Intangibles: The Unexpected Traits of High-Performing Healthcare Leaders, is here.
- And his specialty tome, Flipping Health Care through Retail Clinics and Convenient Care Models, is here.
Amer's website is .
Host & Executive Producer: Maureen Metcalf
Editor & Producer: Dan Mushalko
Video & Graphics Editor: Devon Mushalko
Podbean Guru: Luigi Morelli
YouTube: @InnovatingLeadership
Twitter: @InnoLeader
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About Our Guest:
Amer Kaissi is an award-winning professor of health-care administration at Trinity University, a Top-15 program. His previous book, Intangibles: The Unexpected Traits of High-Performing Healthcare Leaders, won the 2019 American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) Book of the Year Award. He is a national speaker with Huron/Studer Group and a faculty member with ACHE, the University of Colorado Denver, and Boston College. Kaissi is the director of the Executive Program at Trinity University, where he teaches courses in leadership, professional
development, and public speaking. Kaissi works with MEDI—a division of Navvis—and with the Leadership Development (TLD) Group as an executive coach, and consults with hospitals and other organizations in their strategic planning efforts. Kaissi is also a certified executive and physician coach. He lives in San Antonio,
Texas, with his wife and their two teenagers. Learn more at