Friday Dec 16, 2022
S7-Ep50: Looking at Labor Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: the International Labor Organization

Featured Guests: Kevin Cassidy & Christopher Washington
Formed in the aftermath of World War I, the International Labour Organization has evolved along with the workforce as part of the League of Nations and the United Nations. The ILO studies the environment for workers from a tripartite perspective: from labor itself, from business, and from government. All three are necessary to create optimal conditions for workers – but for women, minorities, and citizens of developing nations, conditions are far from optimal.
Kevin Cassidy, Director for the ILO Office for the United States and Canada, has a uniquely comprehensive view on both the issues and solutions for labor today…as well as glimpses of how artificial intelligence and new tech will affect labor tomorrow. It’s not what you think; CEOs and CFOs, for example, are in the group most easily replaced by AI. Kevin and Franklin University Provost Christopher Washington join host Maureen Metcalf in this wide-ranging discussion of labor’s past, present, and future.