Guest: Jim Ritchie-Dunham
There’s more to grit than determination – a whole lot more. Knowing that can help you harness this incredible power of passion and perseverance.
Building on the work of Angela Duckworth and her seminal book, guest Jim Ritchie-Dunham shows how there are four levels of grit in an organization...an insight which dovetails neatly with his own work in ecosynomics. Leaders often unknowingly determine how it cascades through various parts of their business – but because they’re not aware of it, they may be reinforcing the wrong kind for a particular department, team, or employee. That results in inefficiencies, lower staff engagement, and the loss of talent. But all of that can be boosted when grit is recognized and deftly applied. Dig in to a deeper understanding of grit with Jim Ritchie-Dunham and host Maureen Metcalf!
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- The four lenses for viewing and identifying the grit in your team, and throughout your organization
- The unstated social agreements you have with every single person you work with, and
- How the best leaders see grit in their teams.
For daily wisdom from our guests, be sure to follow us on LinkedIn . We’re on Mastodon, Facebook, and Twitter, too!
Other episodes you'll enjoy:
- The Science Behind Our Yes! - with Jim Ritchie-Dunham
- The Good Fight: Using Productive Conflict - with Liane Davey
- Mental Toughness: How to Embrace Stress for Greater Success - with Col. Deb Lewis
For daily wisdom from our guests, be sure to follow us on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/company/innovativeleadershipinsitute/ . We're on Mastodon, Facebook, and Twitter, too!
Jim's book, Ecosynomics: The Science of Abundance, is available here. He also co-wrote Managing from Clarity.
Jim also blogs regularly at https://jimritchiedunham.wordpress.com/ .
You can learn more about his Institute for Strategic Clarity at ISClarity.org .
Maureen Metcalf posts a newsletter every week on LinkedIn. You can follow her there at https://www.linkedin.com/in/maureenmetcalf/ .
She’s also written several award-winning books on leadership development. Your can peruse and purchase them here: https://amzn.to/3C4eSX0 .
Host & Executive Producer: Maureen Metcalf
Editor & Producer: Dan Mushalko
Video & Graphics Editor: Devon Mushalko
Podbean Guru: Luigi Morelli
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YouTube: @InnovatingLeadership
Twitter: @IL_Institute
Mastodon: @InnoLeader
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/innovativeleadershipinsitute/
Website: InnovativeLeadership.com
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About Our Guest:
Jim is president of the Institute for Strategic Clarity, and is affiliated with Boston College, Harvard, EGADE Business School, and UPMadrid. He wrote Ecosynomics (2014) & co-authored Managing from Clarity (2001). He blogs regularly at jlrd.me. He has a BSPE (UTulsa), MIM (Thunderbird), MBA (ESADE), and PhD Decision Sciences (UTAustin).