Guest: Christopher Washington
What will affect your leadership the most in 2024? We’ve identified seven trends you’ll have to contend with through the coming year.
Christopher Washington (Provost & EVP of Franklin University) interviews ILI’s CEO, Maureen Metcalf, to get the details on all seven. Knowing them will help your organization navigate the destabilizing effects of those trends…and take advantage of the opportunities they create.
Here's what Christopher and Maureen cover:
- Why knowing these trends is takes the fear out of uncertainty – and anchors your organization with better risk management;
- How you must operate while straddling both the old world and the new: with one foot in old-school issues like war and geopolitics, and one foot in new-school issues like unbridled AI; and
- Through it all, why self-care and lifelong learning are the keys to staying on top of your game no matter how uncertain the future seems.
Here are the interviews Maureen referenced in this episode:
- Over the Weather: Leadership at the Weather Channel with Sheri Bachstein
- Nurturing Peace from the Ashes of Violence with Hyppolite Ntigurirwa & Mike Hardy
- Power, Charisma, Hormones: Science Studies Leadership with John Antonakis
For daily wisdom from our guests, be sure to follow us on LinkedIn. We’re on Instagram, TikTok, Threads, and Twitter, too!
Christopher Washington writes on Medium at https://drchristopherwashington.medium.com and with the Forbes Nonprofit Council at https://councils.forbes.com/forbesnonprofitcouncil.
Our host, Maureen Metcalf, posts a newsletter every week on LinkedIn. You can subscribe here.
Maureen’s latest book is Innovative Leadership & Followership in the Age of AI. You’ll find details about it at https://bit.ly/LeaderInAI. Her other 10 books are available on Amazon here.
Books we’re reading for fun or personal development right now include:
- Jilly Truit murder mysteries by BeverleyMcLachlin:
- Full Disclosure: https://amzn.to/46TxW6Q (paperback) https://amzn.to/46VDL3Q (audiobook)
- Denial: https://amzn.to/46YCbhs (paperback) https://amzn.to/3GJc0AA (audiobook)
- Women and Leadership: Journey Toward Equity by Sherylle J. Tan & Lisa DeFrank-Cole
- Becoming Superman: My Journey from Poverty to Hollywood by J. Michael Straczynski
- Own the AI Revolution by Neil Sahota
NOTE: As an Amazon partner, we may make a small commission from books you buy through these links.
Host & Executive Producer: Maureen Metcalf
Editor & Producer: Dan Mushalko
Video & Graphics Editor: Devon Mushalko
Assistant Editor & Raconteur: Luigi Morelli
Basking in the Days of Future Past: Jenna Reik & Mike Morrow-Fox
YouTube: @InnovatingLeadership
Threads: @innovativeleaders
Twitter: @IL_Institute
LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/ILI-LinkedIn2
Instagram: @innovativeleader
TikTok: @innovativeleadership
Website: InnovativeLeadershipInstitute.com
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About Our Guest:
Dr. Christopher Washington is a tireless supporter of global leadership development, designer of accessible, inclusive and relevant education, and champion for the role of universities in workforce development. He serves as the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs for Franklin University. Dr. Washington takes an active role in his local community by serving on the International Visitors Council and on the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition’s Ohio Advisory Council. He is a member of the Forbes Nonprofit Council, is the immediate past Chair of the Board of Directors of the Washington D.C.-based Global Ties U.S., and is on the America 250 International Task Force.