Innovating Leadership: Co-Creating Our Future
The pace of change in the world is increasing exponentially. As COVID proved, leadership must evolve. And that gets to the heart of our mission: to bring you the latest thoughts on leadership so you can innovate, learn, and evolve...growing your team, your business, and yourself! Every week, host Maureen Metcalf interviews world leaders, global business and NPO executives, thought leaders, and researchers in a wide range of industries. It’s a breadth of perspectives unavailable anywhere else. Become an innovative leader in your own right! Download the latest episode each Tuesday night on your favorite podcast platform, or watch on YouTube at .

Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
S8-Ep52: Do No Harm: Ethics for Leaders
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Guest: Terri O'Fallon
Few leaders set out to harm others – but it can happen despite our best intentions. The key is to look outward from our decisions to all the ripple effects they generate.
And the best way to look outward is to look inward!
It’s hardly a secret that our emotions affect our cognition. Our guest, Terri O’Fallon, founder of Stages International, reveals in this episode that identifying and naming our emotions helps us become better leaders, and increases our sense of well-being. With host Maureen Metcalf, Terri delves into the concept of 'developmental ethics' to challenge leaders to embrace their emotions, actively seek out potential harm, and practice adaptability for the greater good with generous spirit.
Here's what Terri and Maureen cover:
How do emotions influence leadership and how can leaders ensure they are doing no harm?
What are the benefits of recognizing and labeling emotions, both positive and negative?
How can leaders cultivate generosity of heart when faced with competitive situations?
Other episodes you'll enjoy:
- The Power of Praise: Making People's Performance Positive
- Democracy: Are We a Brittle Twig or Supple Bamboo?
- Informed Leadership: The Power of Trauma
For daily wisdom from our guests, be sure to follow us on LinkedIn at . We're on Mastodon, Facebook, and Twitter, too!
Terri's company, Stages International, is on the web at .
Host & Executive Producer: Maureen Metcalf
Editor & Producer: Dan Mushalko
Video & Graphics Editor: Devon Mushalko
Podbean Guru: Luigi Morelli
YouTube: @InnovatingLeadership
Twitter: @InnoLeader
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About Our Guest:
Terri O'Fallon Ph.D. has focused the last 16 years on learning and change in human systems as an applied researcher. She has worked with hundreds of leaders studying the interventions that most effectively result in developing leaders who can effectively implement change. She has her PhD in Integral Studies from the California Institute of Integral Studies. She and Kim Barta have created STAGES International, an organization that focuses on how the STAGES developmental model can support insights into our own growth as people, leaders, guides, coaches, and the kind of impact these insights can have on our influence in human collectives.

Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
S8-Ep50: Encore Facing Uncertainty: It’s VUCA
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Featured Guest: Chris Nolan
One look at the headlines on any given day makes it clear: the world is UNclear. How can an organization navigate through the volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity to survive – much less succeed? By understanding VUCA, a concept developed by the Pentagon in 1987 to give our military an edge in chaos. Filmmaker Chris Nolan joins Maureen Metcalf to share how this military technique directly applies to businesses and non-profits – information drawn from his new documentary and book: It’s VUCA!.
For daily wisdom from our guests, be sure to follow us on Mastodon: @InnoLeader .
You can watch Chris' documentary, It's VUCA, here .

Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
S7-Ep5: Democracy: Are We a Brittle Twig or Supple Bamboo?
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Featured Guest: Matt Qvortrup
As a political scientist, Matt studies democracy – its evolution, and particularly how democracies decline. He shares his perspective on the rise of populism across the world, how that leads to un-democratic leaders, then answers the question, “Is American democracy a brittle twig or a supple bamboo?” He offers solutions, too; every strong democracy in history thrived on disparate points of view – and leaders who welcomed diverse opinions.

Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
S6-Ep52: Leadership Trends for 2021 and Beyond
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Featured Guest: Christopher Washington
Christopher Washington joins Maureen to discuss the Leadership Trends for 2021 and Beyond.

Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Featured Guest: Evan Sohn
Having trouble filling positions? Brace yourself: the Great Resignation is morphing into the Job Hopper Economy. Evan Sohn, the CEO of, is in a unique position to see beyond the simplistic explanations of TV pundits. He joins host Maureen Metcalf to share his big-picture view of the state of hiring today…and where it will be tomorrow. Lesson 1: “Money solves all problems” is a pre-pandemic thought that no longer applies. Employees are looking further; in addition to equitable pay, they’re looking for meaningful benefits and companies with conscience. They want their hard work to contribute to more than this quarter’s P&L statement. And they’re willing to hop to the jobs that provide it. Or they job hop to maintain personal freedom and engagement. Whatever the reasons, the talent pool is changing – and your hiring and work culture need to change with it. Evan explains how, as he provides the history of .

Monday Dec 19, 2022
S8-Ep28: Leading with Character: A Real-Life Red Roof Report
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Featured Guest: George Limbert
“Character is what you do.”
That’s a fundamental leadership principle for George Limbert, president of Red Roof. This is our second visit with George since he began his leadership journey as a first-time corporate president last summer. Red Roof has prospered under his guidance, proving the value of his philosophies. Character sits at their core.
A focus on character led to many innovations at Red Roof, including their Women’s Center for Excellence and Women in Leadership programs to help level the gender playing field, particularly in the lodging industry.
To keep character objectively defined, and his actions with character exemplary for his team, George looks at himself and his team through the lens of judicial temperament. It’s a non-biased way of looking at a situation from all sides to determine its core truth; it comes naturally to George, whose legal background goes beyond law school with deep roots in family: his father is a judge, and a brother and sister are also attorneys.
George shares the many ways any good leader can display character, calmly analyze corporate storms, and deal with other real life ups and downs of leadership with host Maureen Metcalf. Join us for this episode filled with practical examples from Red Roof.

Monday Dec 19, 2022
S8-Ep20: Bringing Clarity to Confusion
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Featured Guest: Terri O'Fallon, Ph.D. & Kim Barta MA
Although our bodies stop growing, our minds continue to develop throughout adulthood. But seeing the world differently can be confusing as your old brain emerges into the new. That confusion can be doubly difficult for leaders navigating their own growth (or Vertical Development) with that of their teams. At each successive level, leaders expand their capacity – yet face new shadows: areas of confusion and challenge. By understanding those areas, you will be able to identify and move through them more quickly, bringing light and opportunity where shadows once fell. Terri O’Fallon and Kim Barta of STAGES International join Maureen to discuss different areas of confusion and, more importantly, how to recognize and overcome them…and continue growing in the process.

Monday Dec 19, 2022
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Featured Guest: Rachael Kelly
Every business has its ups and downs. But when trauma hits, the worst thing to do is ignore it. The best: tend to your people! Rachael Kelly watched the effects of COVID quarantine rapidly cascade through the restaurant industry…including at her organization: Smokey Bones. As a restaurant chain, the quarantine hit Smokey Bones hard -- and almost instantly. That, in turn, created serious issues for servers and other restaurant staff. Rachael joins host Maureen Metcalf to reveal how they dealt with the cascading trauma…and, more importantly, how they turned it into an opportunity to improve their team environment and emerge even stronger. In fact, Smokey Bones holds multi-year certifications as a Great Place to Work.

Monday Dec 19, 2022
S8-Ep26: A Cure for Toxic Leadership
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Featured Guest: Raj Subrameyer
Raj Subrameyer knows about toxic leadership first-hand: HE was a toxic leader. Fortunately, Raj learned before it was too late that the toxins affect the leaders just as much as their teams. Anxiety, depression, anger, sleeplessness, illness...they all mount up. In this episode, Raj talks about his former leadership style, and his subsequent journey to a better work life. In the process, he reveals lessons on personal branding. It's not unrelated -- the more comfortable you are with yourself, the more comfortable your team becomes in working with you.

Monday Dec 19, 2022
S8-Ep24:The Secret Code to Uncommon Leadership - with Ruchira Chaudhary
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Featured Guest: Ruchira Chaudhary
Something was wrong with the company.
Working for a large corporation in Singapore, Ruchira Chaudhary realized there were too many issues blocking a thriving work environment…and it all stemmed from poor leadership. Now an international executive coach and author of Coaching: The Secret Code to Uncommon Leadership, Ruchira joins us to reveal how coaching is more than a nice skill for leaders – it’s the secret sauce of truly extraordinary leadership.
Coaching is more important today than ever before: our turbulent times require leaders that empower, elevate and enable. They must build trust, resilience, and admit mistakes. And they must recognize that each team member requires different coaching: understanding this could actually help close the workplace gap between men and women, for example. Ruchira points out that coaching is no longer a "nice to have'' aspect of leadership - it is absolutely essential, and you simply cannot be a good leader without being a good coach!
For daily wisdom from Ruchira and our other guests, be sure to follow us on LinkedIn: . We’re on Mastodon, Facebook, and Twitter, too!
Other Episodes You'll Enjoy:
- Facing Uncertainty: It's VUCA with Chris Nolan
- Growing Up Biden: Family Lessons on Leadership with Valerie Biden Owens
- Leading in Circles: The Inevitable Circular Economy with Christoph Hinske
Ruchira's book is Coaching: The Secret Code to Uncommon Leadership (you can buy it here)
Visit Ruchira's website at
See her on YouTube at
Host & Executive Producer: Maureen Metcalf
Editor & Producer: Dan Mushalko
Video & Graphics Editor: Devon Mushalko
Podbean Guru: Luigi Morelli
YouTube: @InnovatingLeadership
Twitter: @InnoLeader
Mastodon: @InnoLeader
Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating!

Monday Dec 19, 2022
S8-Ep19: Optimize Your Mindset: A Case Study
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Featured Guest: David DeRam
David DeRam is a 30-year veteran of the software and start-up world. But it wasn’t until he co-founded Greenlight Gurus that he fully realized the power of mindset training in boosting performance, morale, innovation, and outlook for every member of his team. Giving his team every edge possible is quite literally a matter of life and death: Greenlight Gurus develops quality management software for medical device makers.
David joins host Maureen Metcalf to provide insights on his unconventional approaches and implementation of mindset training.
Unconventional should hardly be unexpected from a CEO who believes his core duty is to ensure every employee goes to bed Sunday night excited and eager to get to work Monday morning!

Monday Dec 19, 2022
S8-Ep37: The Future Is Yours to Create
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Featured Guest: Rebecca Ryan
All of us took history classes, but who’s taken future classes?
Studying the future is a discipline that stretches back decades. Strategic foresight is the established and proven process of looking at future probabilities, yet many business and NPO leaders either don’t know about it, or don’t understand it. It’s used by Fortune 200 companies, the U.S. military, the World Bank, and others. As futurist Rebecca Ryan explains to host Maureen Metcalf, strategic foresight helps those organizations decrease risk and maximize opportunity. That, in turn, provides them with a competitive advantage. So much so that Disney requires learning it before candidates can enter the C-Suite. Listen to this episode – and get a glimpse of your future!
For daily wisdom from our guests, be sure to follow us on Twitter: @IL_Institute .

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The Innovative Leadership Institute:
Creating Future-Ready Leaders and Organizations