Innovating Leadership: Co-Creating Our Future
The pace of change in the world is increasing exponentially. As COVID proved, leadership must evolve. And that gets to the heart of our mission: to bring you the latest thoughts on leadership so you can innovate, learn, and evolve...growing your team, your business, and yourself! Every week, host Maureen Metcalf interviews world leaders, global business and NPO executives, thought leaders, and researchers in a wide range of industries. It’s a breadth of perspectives unavailable anywhere else. Become an innovative leader in your own right! Download the latest episode each Tuesday night on your favorite podcast platform, or watch on YouTube at .

Thursday Dec 15, 2022
S7-Ep1: Leading Sustainability: The Path to Sustainable Business and SDGs
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Featured Guests: Trista Bridges & Donald Eubank
Sustainability is now a business-critical issue. Companies and industries that don't embrace it will be left behind. In fact, we are already starting to see this. Trista Bridges and Donald Eubank join the show today to discuss their new book Leading Sustainability: The Path to Sustainable Business and How the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) Changed Everything, which is the culmination of 18 months of research from around the world. In their research, they found that bold leadership and innovation are two key common elements that enable the success of sustainability strategies and actions.

Thursday Dec 15, 2022
S6-Ep49: High Performance Medicine: Healthcare and Innovation
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Featured Guest: Brian Ferguson
The COVID pandemic has elevated a long-overlooked narrative: we ask A LOT of the nurses, doctors, and frontline medical staff who shepherd our communities in times of public health crisis. And while they are required to step into unknown, high-pressure + high-stress work, we do not equip them with the same tools for resilience and recovery that we do for professional athletes and elite military units. Brian Ferguson joins the show to discuss how Arena Labs is focused on pioneering what they call "High Performance Medicine" in order to bring those same tools, training, and technology to frontline medical teams.

Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Featured Guests: Congresswoman Joyce Beatty and CIO Doug McCollough
In a time when people are sharing more of their personal struggles, we talk to Congresswoman Beatty and Doug McCollough about their struggle and more importantly how they navigated those struggles so that she could make their greatest impact on the world. Congresswoman Beatty not only overcame, she changed the people’s view of what it was to be a successful black woman and she mentored women to make sure the pipeline behind her was strong and the country was better because of all facets of her service! She talks about how helping women succeed helps America succeed. She serves as a role model for inclusion globally by serving with grace and decorum! Doug shares how his focus on inclusion is expanding the field of employees working in technology in central Ohio. Through his board work as well as his work as CIO, he is creating a pipeline that allows unemployed people to get trained and find technology jobs. He is helping build the system that will close this gap long term!

Thursday Dec 15, 2022
S7-Ep4: Leaders Who Lust: Power, Money, Sex, Success, Legitimacy, Legacy
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Featured Guest: Barbara Kellerman
Among our greatest leaders are those driven by impulses they cannot completely control - by lust. Lust is not, however, an abstraction, it has definition. Definition that, given the impact of leaders who lust, is essential to extract. Barbara joins the show today to discuss her views on leadership education, what it takes to build highly effective leaders and her new book Leaders Who Lust.

Thursday Dec 15, 2022
S6-Ep51:Thriving During Crisis: A Successful Middle Eastern Businesswoman
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Featured Guest: Aline Kamakian
Thriving during a crisis is a challenging feat for any leader. Aline Kamakian shares with listeners not only how she encountered the difficult decisions that many faced in the hospitality industry due to the pandemic but she was also forced to deal with the destruction of one of her restaurants during the massive blast that occurred in Beirut, Lebanon, in August of 2020. Aline joins the show to share her story, how she adapted to the crises her business endured and advice for leaders she has gleaned from her experiences.

Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Featured Guest: Mark Shapiro, Toronto Bluejays President & CEO
We think of "leadership" as a topic for the military, governments, and the corporate boardroom. However, innovative leadership benefits us in every sector, including professional sports. The president and CEO of the Toronto Bluejays, Mark Shapiro, joins host Maureen Metcalf to share his approach to effective leadership -- and approach tempered and proven through the disruption his team faced getting the game through the COVID pandemic.
Succeeding in unusual times provides examples and perspectives which illustrate the best of effective leadership.

Thursday Dec 15, 2022
S7-Ep30: Applying Innovative Leadership Concepts
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Featured Guests: Tom Grote and Christoph Hinske
Many -- perhaps too many -- corporations think they're transforming their business models...but in reality continue to do the same old stuff; they just put fancy new words around it. Innovative leaders focus more on real systemic change than on the vocabulary. Many of those change leaders take lessons learned from organizations such as the Innovative Leadership Institute, merge them into their business models, and develop unique new ways of improvement and change.
Two of the Innovative Leadership Institute’s certified facilitators join us to discuss how they took the concepts they learned and applied them to their business functions. Graduates Tom Grote and Christoph Hinske join Maureen to discuss how they have extended the program content, and built a values-based systems mapping technique that helped shape both of their professional and personal journeys.

Thursday Dec 15, 2022
S7-Ep29: The New Role of Leadership in a Hybrid Workplace
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Featured Guest: Greg Moran
The pandemic accelerated discussions and forecasts about the future of work. But there's a relative dearth of study about the future of leadership. This is a critical gap: as work changes, leadership must also change to ensure organizations can meet their objectives. After all, effective change always starts at the top. It is essential for leaders to "innovate how they lead" to keep pace, but what does that mean? Greg Moran joins host Maureen Metcalf to explore the changes leaders need to make, both in how they think about and how they perform the essential work of leadership.

Thursday Dec 15, 2022
S7-Ep26: Deep Tech: Dymystifying Breakthrough Technologies
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Featured Guest: Eric Redmond
Deep tech describes capabilities that were impossible yesterday, barely feasible today, but tomorrow will be so pervasive it will be hard to imagine we ever lived without it. In this early stage of the digital age, understanding how deep tech is disrupting the world is no longer a competitive advantage—it's a matter of survival. Eric Redmond joins us to discuss his new book, Deep Tech: Demystifying the Breakthrough Technologies That Will Revolutionize Everything.
Eric know of what he speaks; he's the Forrest Gump of technology: a twenty-year veteran technologist who always happens to show up where deep tech history is being made, from the first iPhone apps to Bitcoin. He has advised state and national governments, Fortune 100 companies, and groups as varied as the World Economic Forum and MIT Media Lab.

Thursday Dec 15, 2022
S7-Ep25: Mindset Is Only One Piece of the Puzzle
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Featured Guest: Sean Castrina
Disruption to the norm, unexpected events, uncertain times: these are part of life, not just limited to pandemic times. These disruptions force companies to rethink how they have done business, and how they can continue to stay in business. Leaders are daily faced with tough decisions on how to lead in this new and different environment.
Sean Castrina launched over twenty successful companies. He joins the show to discuss his story of overcoming a setback, how he moved beyond it to start multiple new businesses, and the leadership lessons he has learned from his experiences.

Thursday Dec 15, 2022
S7-Ep24: The End of Jobs: The Rise of On-Demand Workers and Agile Companies
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Featured Guest: Jeff Wald
The world has witnessed three-step functions in technological change: mechanization, electrification, and computerization. These industrial revolutions led to massive increases in productivity and thus we need far fewer workers. With each of these technological breakthroughs, the power balance between companies and workers shifted heavily to companies. The abuses of that power by companies instigated employee unrest. Counterbalancing forces rose to constrain companies’ power, eventually prompting unions, regulation, and the social safety net to bring stability to the relationship. As we enter the fourth great leap forward in technology with robots and AI, we face the first services revolution. The power balance will again shift massively to companies as new technologies drive productivity increases in the service industry, much as the last three industrial revolutions transformed manufacturing. Jeff Wald joins Maureen to discuss his book, The End of Jobs, and what the future of work is.

Thursday Dec 15, 2022
S7-Ep23: Recruiting and Retaining Diverse Executives
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Featured Guest: Eric Douglas Keene
Diversity recruiting and retention is a hot topic in HR departments and the board room. Their DEI initiatives often fall short, though; many organizations don’t understand the nuances of recruiting, nor how to navigate the complexities of retention. Ensuring candidates and organizations create the best experiences and a path for mutual success isn't difficult. Eric Douglas Keene joins Maureen to discuss changes occurring in the world of diversity recruiting, with tips on helping your workforce benefit from the rich diversity of our citizenry.

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In fact, the best leaders constantly seek to improve themselves. That's one trait that consistently shows up in the research.
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The Innovative Leadership Institute:
Creating Future-Ready Leaders and Organizations